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Tender Service

Unless local authorities dictate otherwise, SeaDream uses an enclosed tender to take you ashore in those ports where the yacht anchors. 

The last tender in any port is 11:30 PM.  There is a charge of $200 per hour, or part thereof, after 11:30 PM and it is governed by safety, weather, local port rules and regulations and on direction by the Master. 



Capacity:   20 passengers
Speed:       15 - 25 knots (depending on load)



Length: 313 inches / 26.08 feet / 795 cm / 7.95 meters
Width: 124.01 inches / 10.34 feet / 315 cm / 3.15 meters
Depth: 55.11 inches / 4.59 feet / 140 cm / 1.4 meters

Back up tender, by pre-arrangement only (lifeboat)
Capacity        35 passengers

Depth              1.20 meters
Speed               6 - 7 knots



Length 322.8 inches / 26.9 feet / 820 cm / 8.2 meters
Width 114.17 inches / 9.51 feet / 290 cm / 2.9 meters
Depth 47.24 inches / 3.94 feet / 120 cm / 1.2 meters

Max capacity is 12 people. (13 with the driver) This number will be reduced if the sea is not calm. Normal load is 10 guests. Zodiac service after dark is not possible as our boats are not equipped for night driving.

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